National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

It’s “N”, National Lampoon is part of the title… I have no Idea why. It’s is called, National Lampoon Christmas Vacation. That’s today’s A to Z challenge letter… I feel silly doing it but, hey… them’s the rules I set forth when I started this thing.

Here is the scoop, I didn’t like the first two National Lampoons Vacation movies. I honestly can’t tell you what it is about this movie that make me like it either. I laugh though, every time I see it… and I’ve seen it every year and, around 300 times sitting in am ambulance break room with my friend Charlie. I sit, I watch, I laugh and it doesn’t matter that my Wife think’s I’m an idiot for watching it. She hates it having been sitting in the same room with Charlie and me for maybe 150 of those viewings. I like cousin Eddie, I think the Squirrel scene is great, and the Cat, and the lights. In fact I can recite the lines from beginning to end, I could play any role in this movie off book easily.

Image result for christmas vacation original poster

If you have a favorite “N” Movie toss it in the comments, or even a favorite Christmas Movie. Let me leave you with a line… a rather famous one… One big long movie quote before you go.


Favorite Quote –  Clark – Hey! If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I’d like Frank Shirley, my boss, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane with all the other rich people and I want him brought right here, with a big ribbon on his head, and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where’s the Tylenol?

16 Comments on “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

  1. I think I’ve only seen it once but it was pretty funny. My go-to Christmas movie is The Muppet Christmas Carol. I can watch that a million times and not get tired of it.

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  2. National lampoon was a magazine and may still be, but they must have hatched the idea for the movies. My favorite scene is when Clark is riding the saucer on the snow.

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  3. I remember cracking up completely at this movie. So few years ago we decided to make it an annual tradition. We’d watch Christmas Vacation on the Friday after Thanksgiving. We sat down with our two young sons. All was going well. I was dying of laughter. And then my wife hit Pause as soon as that swimming pool scene started. Oops! I’d forgotten about that. Still a classic, funny movie. But alas, it is not the Christmas tradition I was banking on in our house!

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  4. I suspect the National Lampoon movies are the kind that people either love or hate – I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who was “meh” about them, lol. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am aware of the movies and I’m sure i saw some with my sister when I was younger, but for some reason, I don’t remember a scene except, if I’m right, there was one with the lead on top of a mountain (I THINK) doing a Sound of Music thing.

    I do have a favorite N film: Not One Less

    Anyhoo, thanks for the follow! My N: What’s in a Nom?

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