What else could “E” Be but -The Exorcist!

My goodness, the Exorcist is one of those films that simply scares the hell out of you. In this case I think I’m going to use the update trailer from when I MADE my wife go see it in the theaters when it re-released. Scary, terrifying, frightening, I could go look up more ways to say it if you need me to, the Internet has a built in thesaurus.

If you want the original It’s here. Be warned its one giant spooky strobe like kind of effect. They put a bit of it in the updated trailer below.

I didn’t know but the Exorcist was the first Horror Film to be nominated for a Best Picture Academy Award and while it did not win It did win for Screenplay and Sound. I have to say, I cannot remember when I first saw this. I’m betting I either saw it on HBO at some point or rented it. I can say it scared me, It still scares me and I won’t watch it alone. When it was re-released in theaters I made my wife go with me. She had never seen it and I wasn’t going alone, plus… there really are some movies you have to see. Getting to see it on a big screen though was a special treat to me.

Image result for the exorcist original movie poster

If you are thinking of watching this keep in mind it was a hairs breadth away from getting an “X” rating originally because it is absolutely disturbing. Some of it is violent and the portrayal of a little girl possessed by a demon isn’t held back at all with some of the things she is made to do. Is it gratuitous violence no, no it isn’t, it which is why they only gave it an “R” because at the time the MPA thought it was well done and authentic to the characters rather then meant to be offensive for its own sake. Some places made it an “X” anyway.

On a small side note… I was reading this novel once when I lived in Utah. I had an ear infection and couldn’t sleep so I went downstairs to read it on the couch so I wouldn’t disturb my wife. I had just gotten to a part where the Demon was shaking stuff and… We had a small earthquake, enough to shake the house around. I woke my wife up then. 🙂

Favorite Quote – Demon – What an excellent day for an Exorcism.

Have a favorite movie that starts with “E” lets hear about it in the credits… errr comments. Thanks for reading, now go watch a movie!

15 Comments on “What else could “E” Be but -The Exorcist!

  1. Probably the first horror movie that I saw after I was considered old enough to….of course I’ve since realised that I most likely will never grow old enough to not be scared while watching this movie

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I saw it when it first came out. Scared me to death! LOL about the earthquake. Here in California, I totally get that!


  3. I wanted to watch the Exorcist throughout my preteens. But coming from a conservative Baptist list it was definitely on the no fly list along with Harry Potter. So I remember my first sneak peek and feeling a bit disappointed in the depth or creepy fun of it. Of course I’m one of the weirdos that prefers Exorcist the Beginning to the entire series. All the same though it is indeed a classic and through the years I have grown to really appreciate it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I respect your choice. I know lots of people who feel the same way you do. I was in college when The Exorcist came out, and the people I knew who were most terrified by it were Catholic. They believed demonic possession is a real possibility. I don’t, and while I found the movie well constructed, with some impressively executed effects, the pea soup projectile vomit and her head spinning were so over the top unbelievable to me, they’re laughable. I kept trying to suss out how the effects were created. There was no such thing as CGI. There’s lots of noise and confusion, and sudden shock moments, all contrived to startle the audience, but I was never able to buy the premise, so it never horrified me.

    The movie I find absolutely terrifying on all levels is Silence of the Lambs. Constant knot in my stomach, pounding heart, sitting on the edge of my seat. In fact, the last time I saw it, there was one 30 second section when I started to relax, and then it hit me that’s the only time in the whole movie when the director lets you breathe. Maybe it’s more suspense/thriller than horror, but it scares me way more than The Exorcist.

    Funny how one thing can affect people so differently isn’t it?

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  5. Never saw this till it was on TV. I actually like the second one better (I think it’s the second one), where Regan is a teenager. Never saw the re-release in the theater and didn’t particularly want to. 😛 My favorite E movie is probably E.T. I went to see it in theaters with my grandmother, it was the first time I’d ever had Reese’s Pieces and I still love them. My baby sister had a plus E.T. doll instead of a teddy bear when she was a baby (she was born in 1982) and she took that sucker everywhere with her. I was jealous, I wanted one. 😛


  6. The quake story…Yipes…eerily coincidental…My sister and I watched it when I was young, probably saw it several times, but probably not by its entirety ’cause the only scene(s) I remember is/are the one(s) in Linda Blair’s room whenever she was possessed. They did a remake of this years ago. Actually, they did TWO remakes, one of them not exactly a remake and went straight to DVD. It starred a celebrity here, Billy Crawford, who was a singer-celebrity in France/Europe at the time.

    My fave E movie would be EVER AFTER because (1) it did not involve magic unlike most Cinderella films (not that I hate magic), (2) the lead character was kind of a bad ass, non-damsel in distress, and (3) “Leonardo DaVinci” was in it. It’s my second fave Drew Barrymore romcom (for some reason, I’ve always liked her romcoms), the first being NEVER BEEN KISSED (which I should have mentioned in your N post!), the third being 50 FIRST DATES (the gross parts that usually involved Adam Sandler caused my downvotes).

    My E post: Mark Your Words!

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