J Is for Jokes… Know any?

When we were going over the alphabet for the challenge for 2019’s A to Z and got to “J” I had to go with jokes… I just felt I needed to do it. You see, I don’t really tell Jokes… I tell storys that just happen to make people laugh.

The downside to this is I don’t generally do Dad jokes, if the possibility exists that I may have done so I turn to one of my Kids and as “Was that a Dad joke?”, usually the answer is no. I mean ok sure I know some jokes… usually from when I was a kid and honestly most of those are pretty racist, sexist, or mean spirited to a class of people. I would give some examples but I really don’t want to contribute to the garbage on the internet with that. Some of the more… cleanish ones.. sure.. why not I can do that.

What do you call a man with no arms and legs on a porch?

What do you call a man with no arms and legs on a Wall?

What do you call a man with no arms and legs in a pool?

What do you call a man with no arms and legs in a pile of leaves?

See what I mean… those aren’t to bad… but the black and white and red all over ones are bad… Or Ones about babies and dumpsters… or no wait I though of a few more I can do that are ok

Why don’t cannibals eat clowns?
They Taste Funny.

Whats the difference between snowmen and snowwomen?

Really bad though was the prevalence of really horribly racist jokes in the schools when I was a kid. Mid 70’s just the sheer number of them, I’m not even sure we even really thought they were funny or in some cases even understood them so much as we told them because the words used were forbidden. I’m not even sure where we learned them. They weren’t told in my house but I knew them all from someplace. Maybe the Contraband man told us… no idea. Or some of my friends had really racist parents… they had to come from someplace.

Here is the part that changed from when I was kid to now. Teachers heard these jokes sometimes and unless you said something truly awful like the “N” work they mostly ignored it… I asked my kids when we were talking about this post and they said now you’d get suspended, there would be a call home. You know what though, they didn’t know any of those jokes or any jokes like it.. .somewhere we all did something right.

6 Comments on “J Is for Jokes… Know any?

  1. LOL I’m sorry, the no arms and no legs ones are funny. Not PC but funny. The cannibals not eating clowns is pretty good too.


  2. I don’t really like jokes, and generally we don’t tell jokes in our family…we just ARE funny – or so we’ve been told. Why would anyone tell someone that?

    AtoZ Challenge
    Maine Vanity Plate Poetry
    Mainely Write

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  3. What do you call a dog with no legs?….
    ….Doesn’t matter, he won’t come, anyway.
    What do you call a cow with no legs?….
    ….Ground beef. 😯
    Click on the ‘Comedy’ tag on my site. There are hundreds of jokes – most of them clean. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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