A to Z A rambling Letter “A” leading to a theme….

I haven’t written a title yet, which is freaking me out. I usually figure out a title first, what I will be blathering on about for all of you. I’m so far behind though compared to last year. I told you all yesterday I didn’t finish the challenge last year so maybe this is a good sign.

See the source image
Better than a Bad sign

Instead, I dont, so… I like the letter “A” when we were in grade school and just learning about the alphabet the “A” was always something cool like an apple, or an angel maybe an alligator. I suppose i could write a story about one of those and take my daily posts using the Preschoolers alphabet pictures.

See the source image

My daughter… the only one in my house who reads this blog just asked what the theme was this year… I feel so aggravated that I haven’t come up with anything yet. Asked her what she though I should do. She didn’t answer… I’m going to go ask her again, you folks hang on I’ll be back in a moment. HA I have her working on ideas now… I have so many ideas I would like to try out but most are overly Ambitious considering I only made it to “F” last year… “F” by the way could definitely be for “Failure to finish work”.

I considered picking up where I left off last year and just writing whatever for letters A-F, picking it up at “G” But I don’t seem to know where my notebook from last April is.

The Red Headed Gypsy Cast Off kid got back to me and suggested that words that people misuse. The Navigator suggested Music, sadly I dont know enough about music to make a go of that one. Would be a nice learning opportunity for me though. My Son and Eldest Daughter have come up with an idea The Wife likes it too Iike it… so. Here we GO!

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary blogging from A to Z challenge letter

I feel so much better now… I know I know this one is a long “A” start as I rambled my way through the first half of this about my inability to make a decision… but now… may we present my family’s outlook on things that used to be inappropriate or frowned on when My wife and I were kids… Vs how my kids are today. My wife and I are over 40 all the kids are under 25 but adults.

A is for – Allowance. Something my wife and I both received but we never ever offered to our kids. Well not really, for a brief time we did but would frequently forget. You would think the kids would have reminded us about it but they wouldn’t. Usually because if the kids asked us for something we would get it. They never really asked for much that was so over the top that we wouldn’t do it. Basically My wife and I had to work for things, we got our allowance for doing tasks. Cleaning taking the garbage out… you know chores… Our kids were more like indentured servants they still had chores… and we would get them things because of it. Sort of like bestowing favors upon the peasants.

Allowance. Something my wife and I both received but we never ever offered to our kids. Well not really, for a brief time we did but would frequently forget. You would think the kids would have reminded us about it but they wouldn’t. Usually because if the kids asked us for something we would get it. They never really asked for much that was so over the top that we wouldn’t do it. Basically My wife and I had to work for things, we got our allowance for doing tasks. Cleaning taking the garbage out… you know chores… Our kids were more like indentured servants they still had chores… and we would get them things because of it. Sort of like bestowing favors upon the peasants.

I wonder how many of you have kids now… it’s odd how things change. We give kids so much today, it’s almost like a competition but not… well ok not really since we dont compete to be winners and losers anymore but that is a post for another day.

While writing this two friends just arrived, I call the Serial Killer and Jane Doe… So you can see my sense of humor does spill over but they did help with getting an outline for some of the letters. Just like every year though … the letter “X” every single time.. right now on my outline it says “X Sucks every year”. I’m feeling pretty good about the theme this year though, we are having a good conversation. I have a lot of suggestions for topics that I dont really want to put up on here. I frequently make fun of whatever subject I use so “L” being LGBTQ isn’t a good choice for me, for this…

Anyway, Allowance… do any of you get one? Or give one anymore? Let me know.. let US know. Mine was taking out the garbage and clearing the table… an entire .50. Half a buck… Eventually 5 bucks until I started work then nothing. My kids… we would bribe them with money sometimes.. a buck to take the trash out cause I didn’t want to (laugh). Clean the living room and we will go for Ice Cream (The wife and I already decided to get ice cream… but why waste a perfect time for free labor). I dont think My Mom did those things to me… They did keep track of if I did my chores though.

Do you don’t you….

7 Comments on “A to Z A rambling Letter “A” leading to a theme….

  1. I guess I was a bit spoiled as a kid. I got $10 a week from my grandparents, and I didn’t have to do anything to get it. Pretty sure my grandparents just enjoyed spoiling me. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. No allowance for me as a child and occasionally we would give the kids one but mostly it was for lunch money. If they chose not to each lunch, then they had an allowance. I believe in working for your money so there would have been chores involved at some stage. Nice start!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Since today is my 73rd b day, I cant remember all if my childhood lol. Hey, I’m old now! But, I think the only time I received any money from your grandparents was when I lost a tooth. But that was the tooth fairy wasn’t it? A was easy.


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